Avocado and gin-and-lime cured salmon

Avocado and gin-and-lime cured salmon

Avocados are extremely versatile. The texture of a just-ripe avocado is perfect to add to salads and sandwiches, as in this recipe. Always treat the avocado with respect and nothing more than the gentlest handling to avoid bruising and creating dark marks in the flesh. It is important to purchase the freshest salmon possible for this sophisticated salad recipe.


Serves 4
Wine suggestion: sauvignon blanc
Best in spring/summer


+ 300g fresh salmon fillet,
skin on, pin-boned

+ 2 tsp sea salt

+ 1 tsp caster sugar

+ 1 lime, juice and grated zest

+ 4 tbsp gin

+ 2 avocados

+ 1 small fennel bulb, thinly sliced

+ 1 cup watercress

+ 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

+ salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the garnish: 1 extra lime, very thinly sliced; mint leaves and herb flowers (optional)


To prepare the salmon, combine salt, sugar, lime zest and gin. Gently rub this over the surface of the salmon. Place in a shallow dish and cover with plastic wrap. Chill the salmon for at least 4 hours or overnight.

When ready to prepare the salad, peel and slice the avocados.

Sprinkle the fennel with a little extra salt, and pick the watercress leaves from any thick stalks.

Toss the fennel and watercress together in a small bowl with the oil, the juice of the lime and some salt and pepper to taste.

Remove salmon from dish and pat dry with a paper towel. Slice the salmon into paper-thin slices on the diagonal, discarding the skin.

To serve, arrange the salmon around a serving plate, evenly spaced between slices of avocado. Place the fennel and watercress salad around and decorate with the lime slices, mint leaves and any spring herb flowers from the garden.

Recipe extracted from Always Delicious by Lauraine Jacobs, published by Potton & Burton

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